Cannabis Flowering Stage

Beginners Guide to Cannabis Flowering Stage: Tips, Challenges, and Success

The flowering stage in cannabis cultivation is a time of great anticipation and excitement, as it's during this period that the plants develop their iconic buds. Success in this stage depends on proper care, understanding the needs of your plants, and effectively addressing any challenges that may arise. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the flowering stage, offering tips for success, insights into common challenges, grow tips, and advice for beginners.

green plant in close up photography
green plant in close up photography

Transition from Pre-Flowering

The transition to the flowering stage occurs naturally as the plants receive a 12-hour dark period regularly. During this stage, plants shift their focus from vegetative growth to the production of flowers, or buds.

Ideal Growing Medium

Maintain the same growing medium that you've used throughout earlier stages. Ensure it's well-draining and nutrient-rich, as your plants will have increased nutrient demands during the flowering stage.

Watering Practices

During the flowering stage, cannabis plants may require more water to support the increased demand for nutrients. Monitor the top layers of the growing medium and water when it begins to dry out. Avoid waterlogging and maintain proper drainage.

Lighting Requirements

The flowering stage is characterized by a continued 12-hour day and 12-hour night light cycle. Ensure that the darkness period remains uninterrupted during the 12-hour dark phase, as light interruptions can stress the plants and disrupt the flowering process.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintain stable temperature and humidity levels during the flowering stage. Daytime temperatures should be around 70-80°F (21-27°C), and nighttime temperatures slightly lower. Humidity levels should stay around 40-50% to minimize the risk of mold and mildew.


Continue to provide good airflow and ventilation to ensure heat doesn't accumulate and to prevent issues such as mold. Proper ventilation helps maintain an optimal environment for flowering cannabis plants.

Nutrient Management

During the flowering stage, plants have specific nutrient needs. Transition to a bloom-specific nutrient formula that provides increased phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) while reducing nitrogen (N). Nutrient levels may vary depending on the strain, so monitor your plants closely.

Pruning and Training

You can continue pruning and training during the flowering stage, but it should be done sparingly, as plants are more sensitive at this stage. Focus on removing any dead or yellowing leaves and maintaining an even canopy.

Common Challenges and Mistakes

a. Light Leaks: Be vigilant about preventing light leaks during the dark period, as any interruption can stress the plants and disrupt their flowering cycle.

b. Nutrient Burn: Overfeeding or underfeeding can lead to nutrient imbalances, which can harm the plants. Monitor nutrient levels, and make gradual adjustments as needed.

c. Overcrowding: Ensure your plants have sufficient spacing to promote airflow and light distribution. Overcrowding can lead to mold, mildew, and pest issues.

d. Pest Threats: Monitor your plants closely for potential pest issues, such as spider mites, whiteflies, or aphids. The flowering stage can make your plants more attractive to certain pests.

Beginner Tips

The flowering stage may feel like the culmination of your efforts. Beginners should focus on maintaining the optimal environment, nutrient balance, and light conditions. Monitor your plants carefully and react promptly to any challenges that may arise.


The flowering stage is a highly anticipated and crucial phase in cannabis cultivation, as it marks the transition from vegetative growth to bud development. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this blog, you can ensure your cannabis plants thrive during this stage. Pay close attention to the specific needs of your plants, and be prepared to address challenges as they arise. With proper care and dedication, your cannabis plants will flourish, leading to a successful and rewarding harvest. Happy growing!